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Northern Rock Foundation Writer's Award

United Kingdom

Award £60,000 (£20,000 a year for three years).

New Writing North, 7--8 Trinity Chare, Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 3DF

Phone 0191 232 9991

Fax 0191 230 1883

Contact: Silvana Michelini

Annual award established in 2002 with the aim of liberating established writers who live in the region from work other than writing. Applicants must have at least two books published by a recognised publisher and must live in Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, County Durham or Teesside. Closing date November. The first winner of the award in 2002 was poet, Anne Stevenson.


Last updated: 
21 May 2012 - 10:24pm

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