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Book Groups

Points: 0

Online selection and helpful reading group guide from the world's biggest online retailer

Points: 0

Provides info about UK books groups, including five suggested titles, useful tips on making the group work, a Bookgroup of the month and so on.

Points: 0

On the Booktrust site is the BookmatesOn the Booktrust site is the Bookmates project, which includes the excellent guide to setting up a reading group which was originally developed in association with the Orange Prize. project, which includes the excellent guide to setting up a reading group which was originally developed in association with the Orange Prize.

Points: 0

Useful Arts and Books page about books in the news. The site includes past, present and future book recommendations, advice on setting up and running a book group, and a message board to help readers contribute to the debate and get involved.

Points: 0

Affiliated groups using different combinations of internet modalities to create book discussions on the Web

Points: 0

Yahoo's own attempt at a reading group list, with connections to 1,000 online groups.

Points: 0

Extremely useful new website with a lot of practical information on how to set up and run a reading group and tips for different reading genres. 50 articles, with more being added each month.