Katy Evans-Bush's elegant blog about poetry, arts and culture, which has become a must-read for many. baroqueinhackney.com/
Writers' Blogs
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John Field's poetry reviews blog covers a lot of ground, essential reading in these days of minimal poetry reviewing in the national press. |
This useful blog features detailed advice for creative writing of any kind (novels, short stories, screenplays, plays, etc...). Every post first analyses the work of a famous author (Kafka, Ibsen,...) and explains how the work applies a certain priciple, often featuring excerpts of the work. Then there is a counter-example of how NOT to do it, as sometimes you can recognize a weakness in your own writing much more clearly when you have seen it first-hand in somebody else's writing.
Blog by aspiring writer who realises it's all about confidence. A Blog to encourage, uplift and inspire. scskillman.wordpress.com |
Wide-ranging blog from a poet and novelist, including many reviews and a great list of other bloggers. |
Advice, tools and resources for writers, with interviews and helpful articles on writing
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