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Commentary: 'A projection back of modern sensibilities' 9 September 2024

‘It's difficult, perhaps impossible, to write a character well in the past who is not a projection back of modern sensibilities. My defence would be that the 16th century was the time when rational, sceptical inquiry was beginning. This was the age of the humanists: we're leaving medieval...

The Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) has described Artificial Intelligence (AI) company Anthropic's alleged use of "pirated books" to train AI chatbot Claude as "egregious" and "typical of a wider trend."

Whats new: 26 August 2024 - What's new 26 August 2024
  • ‘You can offend somebody in the 21st century with something you said in 1970... By the end of the process I was questioning myself, that was the problem. I wrote innocently and I wrote to make people laugh but when I read the book through I thought, gosh, really, is this offensive? And...

Index on Censorship said 53% of librarians polled had been asked to remove books - and that in more than half of those cases books were taken off shelves

One of the persistent themes to emerge from the ongoing nationwide surge in book banning is that the bans are being pursued by a vocal, politically motivated minority.

Have YA dystopias lost their bite?

The New Zealand author channelled her experience of tragedy and mental illness with dazzling results. Now centenary celebrations will ensure her extraordinary vision lives on

Writing and publishing a nonfiction book is a big investment-of time, energy, and often money. In our work with authors, we find that people often approach the process with passion and ambition but without any sense of what it really takes to get the attention of an agent or editor, especially...

Author William Gibson and his editor, Malcolm Edwards, recall how a seminal SF work came to publication

Karin Slaughter's unflinching crime novels dare to acknowledge the dangers women face in everyday life

Link: The problem with books in English 26 August 2024

In advance of the Frankfurt Rights Meeting, Lisanne Mathijssen talks about the challenges facing Dutch publishers, and possible ways to tackle them

In a spirited five-day celebration, held August 8-12 at the Scottish Events Campus in Glasgow, Scotland, crowds converged from all over the globe for the 82nd World Science Fiction Convention, known as Worldcon. Show organizers said that more than 8,000 membership badges were purchased in total...

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