Inklings Literary Agency
Virginia Beach, Virginia 23452
United States
- Michelle Johnson, Founder/Literary Agent
Submission Guidelines:
We accept electronic submissions only. Please do not call the agency to query, or to inquire about querying. Do not use the postal service or any other snail mail service to mail your submissions.
To query, type “Query (Agent Name)” plus the title of your novel in the subject line, then please send the following pasted into the body of the e-mail to query(at)inklingsliterary(dot)com:
A query letter that includes:
The title, genre, and word count of your project.
A brief blurb about the story.
A brief bio including any publishing credits.
The first 10 pages of your manuscript
A brief synopsis (1-2 pages)
Your subject line should look like this (If you were querying Whitley and the name of your book is "One Thousand Ways to Drink Coffee"):
We will not open unsolicited attachments, so make sure you send all of the above pasted into the body of the email.
Our response time varies for queries, but the general response time is within 3 months for queries, and 4 months for manuscripts.
See for full details.
Overseas associates:
German and Scandinavian Sub Agent: Claudia Böhme Rights & Literary Agency
Hungarian Rights Sub Agent: Lex Copyright
Turkish Rights Sub Agent: AK©ALI AGENCY
Polish Rights Sub Agent: Book/lab Literary Agency
We represent: Sawyer Bennett, A. Meredith Walters, LS Hawker, Elliott James, Stacey Lynn, Anna Fields and more.
The agency was founded in January 2013.
Agent Specialism
Please contact the agent directly and not via WritersServices