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Harold Ober Associates Inc.

425 Madison Avenue

New York, NY 10017
United States


  • Phyllis Westberg: (Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children. Dramatic Rights)
  • Craig Tenney: (Fiction, Children. Print and Electronic Permissions)
  • Pamela Malpas: (Fiction, Non-Fiction. Translation)
  • Jake Elwell: (Fiction, Non-Fiction)
  • Don Laventhall: (Motion Picture and Television Rights)
  • Kara Bloomgarden-Smoke: (Assistant to Phyllis. Dramatic Permissions)

Founded 1929. We work in partnership with the following agencies


Andrew Nurnberg Associates

Sells rights internationally on behalf of UK/US agencies and publishers. Agent for UK and international authors, including children's writers. Fiction, non-fiction and children's fiction. Does not represent children's picture books, poetry or scripts for film, T.V, radio or theatre.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Send a short, 1-page synopsis and the first three chapters (double or 1.5 spaced) with a covering letter. If sending by post include an S.A.E for the return of your material.
  • Email with files of less than 3mb and in .doc or .pdf format

Founded 1977

Association of Authors' Agents


Andrew Nurnberg Associates (London)

Agence Hoffman (Paris)

Liepman AG (Zürich)

Agenzia Letteraria Internazionale (Milan)


Please contact the agent directly and not via WritersServices


Agents References