Perfect Edge
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United Kingdom
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- John Hunt
An Imprint Of John Hunt Publishing
"There are many who dare not kill themselves for fear of what the neighbours will say," Cyril Connolly wrote, and we believe he was right.
Perfect Edge seeks books that take on the crippling fear of other people, the question of what's correct and normal, of how life works, of what art is.
Our authors disagree with each other; their styles vary as widely as their concerns. What matters is the will to create books that won't be easy to assimilate. We take risks, not for the sake of risk-taking, but for the things that might come out of it.
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Publishers References
- Our Links listing provides a review of some sites which contain useful information for writers.
- Inclusion in this list does not imply any support for the aims, objectives, policy or advice given.
- Our comments reflect our personal view.
- Please remember that we have no control over these sites and they might relocate or vanish.
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- We would particularly like to add more links to sites outside the UK.
- Reciprocal links would be appreciated.