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Chronos Books

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  • John Hunt

An Imprint Of John Hunt Publishing


Chronos Books is a historical non-fiction imprint. Chronos publishes real history for real people; bringing to life historical people, places and events in an imaginative, easy-to-digest and accessible way. We want writers of historical books, from ancient times to the Second World War, that will add to our understanding of people and events rather than being a dry textbook; history that passes on its stories to a generation of new readers.


John Hunt Publishing encourage you to explore the "Our Imprints" section to learn more about our uniquely qualified publishers and their supporting teams.

Last updated: 
17 Feb 2014 - 1:20pm

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  • Our Links listing provides a review of some sites which contain useful information for writers.
  • Inclusion in this list does not imply any support for the aims, objectives, policy or advice given.
  • Our comments reflect our personal view.
  • Please remember that we have no control over these sites and they might relocate or vanish.
  • Do tell us about any changes, so we can make corrections, or to suggest sites we can add to the list.
  • We would particularly like to add more links to sites outside the UK.
  • Reciprocal links would be appreciated.