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Of Ghosts and Faeries - A Firefighter's Tale - Chris Brown | Work

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Browse Of Ghosts and Faeries - A Firefighter's Tale - Chris Brown


Are ESP, Ghosts and Faerie legends entirely unconnected? Are they all aspects of one and the same thing?

Fester is a curry eating, onion beer swilling firefighter who works at a crumbling fire station in a crumbling Yorkshire village. The rest of his crew consists of a naïve recruit, a closet opera singer, a maniac who thinks a thirteen ton fire engine will handle like a rally car and a paranoid, promotion-mad station officer. His comfortable existence is shattered by the arrival of a keen and efficient new sub-officer who sets about the rehabilitation of Red Watch. Jenny Anderson intends to transform them from a lazy and lack lustre crew into a lean, mean firefighting machine.


A story of fires, road accidents and explosions interspersed with unicorns, levitation and telepathy. Follow Fester as he comes to terms with a past he didn't know existed and a far from straight forward future.

Cover - back - ghosts




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