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101 Ways to Make Poems Sell: The Salt Guide to Getting and Staying Published (Salt Guides for Readers and Writers) - Chris Hamilton-Emery | Work

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Salt Publishing

Writers Bookstall

Title Author(s) Publisher
Poetry Writers' Yearbook 2007 (Writers' and Artists') Gordon Kerr A & C Black Publishers Ltd £12.99
Solutions for Writers: Practical Craft Techniques for Fiction and Non-fiction Sol Stein Souvenir Press Ltd £15.00
The Chambers Dictionary Catherine E Schwarz, Editors of Chambers, Chambers Editors of, Editors Of Chambers Chambers £35.00
Lew Hunter's Screenwriting 434: The Industry's Premier Teacher Reveals the Secrets of the Successful Screenplay Lew Hunter Perigee
Writing Your Way: Creating a Personal Journal Ellen Jaffe Sumach Press £13.50
Bestseller: Secrets of Successful Writing Celia Brayfield SAGE Publications Ltd £11.99
How to Plot Your Novel (Writers' guides) Jean Saunders Allison & Busby £9.99
Creative writing (Teach Yourself: writer's library) Dianne Doubtfire Teach Yourself Books £7.99
Writing Crime Novels John Paxton Sheriff Robert Hale Ltd £11.99
Solutions for Novelists: Secrets of a Master Editor Sol Stein Souvenir Press Ltd £12.99
How to Write a Novel John Braine Methuen Publishing Ltd £9.99
Fiction Writer's Workshop Josip Novakovich Writer's Digest Books £12.99
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper Robert A. Day Greenwood Press £21.95
The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism Prof Colin Campbell WritersPrintShop £14.99
Can't Live Without Joanne Phillips Mirrorball Books £7.99
Chinese Through Poetry: An introduction to the language and imagery of traditional verse. Archie Barnes WritersPrintShop £18.00
Editing Fact and Fiction: A Concise Guide to Book Editing Leslie Sharpe, Richard Marek, Irene Gunther Cambridge University Press £34.99
Screenwriting Lew Hunter Robert Hale Ltd £12.99
Bestsellers: Top Writers Tell How Richard Joseph Summersdale Publishers £9.99
Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within Natalie Goldberg Shambhala Publications Inc £10.99

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