For writer Malcolm Mackay - chronicler of a fictional network of gangsters in a darkly atmospheric Glasgow - life on a small island in the North Atlantic Ocean keeps him grounded.
Born, bred and based in the town of Stornoway on the isle of Lewis, part of Scotland's Outer Hebrides archipelago, Mackay relishes his existence of downright domesticity-living with his mom, and with his sister, brother-in-law and two nephews close by-as much as he enjoys mapping his intricate world of Glaswegian gangsterland. "I did always read a lot of crime fiction," says Mackay via Skype. "And when it came to writing something like that myself, I was drawn to the unfamiliar. I think a lot of crime fiction is about exploring things you don't know. For me, it was the lure of the completely unfamiliar: the urban gangster."