Half of UK adults don't regularly read and almost one in four (24%) young people aged 16 to 24 say they've never been readers according to research released by The Reading Agency.
When book sales spiked in 2020 and 2021, publishers believed one reason for the increase was that more people had turned to reading during the pandemic, and they were hopeful that some of those people would continue to read when things returned to normal. However, a new report from the National Endowment for the Arts seems to dash those hopes.
When I heard Covid was keeping inmates in cells, I drove a car load of donated books to Pentonville. It became a project that now delivers thousands of books to British jails
This generation, defined as people born between 1997 and 2015, is often considered phone-obsessed and addicted to technology. But when it comes to reading, Gen Zers say they prefer to pick up a printed book over an e-book.
If there's one lesson my agent and editors drilled into me about publishing, it's this: know your reader. Luckily, as a doctor of audiences at the University of Bristol, I've been able to think about this a lot!
NEW YORK (AP) - Barbara Kingsolver, this year's recipient of a National Book Award medal for literary achievement, remembers well the years she couldn't imagine receiving such honors.
A day after the UK signed the first international treaty addressing the risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) has called on the UK government to go further and protect "creators" from a "mass violation of their rights".