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New Theatre Publications

2 Hereford Close
Warrington, Cheshire WA1 4HR
United Kingdom
0845 331 3516
0845 331 3518

New concept in theatre publishing - a publishing company that is owned and managed by writers. The Playwrights’ Co-operative is a not-for-profit organisation whose aims are to cut out the middle-men and profit-makers from the world of theatre publishing and give individual playwrights the opportunity to take greater control and responsibility in the marketing of their work with all the benefits that full publication brings.

On this site you'll find our full catalogue of theatre play scripts plus details of the playwrights and authors. If you're a member of a professional or amateur theatre group or dramatic society you can order acting editions of play scripts and if you decide to stage a production you can arrange performing licenses by email or regular mail.

Last updated: 
21 May 2012 - 3:16pm

Please contact the Play Publishers directly and not via WritersServices

  • Our Links listing provides a review of some sites which contain useful information for writers.
  • Inclusion in this list does not imply any support for the aims, objectives, policy or advice given.
  • Our comments reflect our personal view.
  • Please remember that we have no control over these sites and they might relocate or vanish.
  • Do tell us about any changes, so we can make corrections, or to suggest sites we can add to the list.
  • We would particularly like to add more links to sites outside the UK.
  • Reciprocal links would be appreciated.