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Contemporary Writers

Produced by the British CouncilThis government-supported body is best-known for its activities overseas, but in fact provides a great deal of information which is of interest to writers.
Their UK Literature Festivals provides a full listing, but this is only as up to date as the information supplied by the individual festival organizers.
in association with BookTrust, this is an elegant but browsable site with pages on contemporary British writers of a literary bent. Short articles (some excellent) and lists of books.

The site has now come into its own as a useful resource, as it’s built its excellent author biographies to include over 400 writers, including biographical details, bibliographies, critical reviews, prizes and author photos. Constantly updated and searchable by author, genre, nationality, gender, publisher, book title, date of publication and prize name and date. A really first-rate resource, and a place for all writers to aspire to be.  Update: this seems to have been downgraded, which is a shame, but it still contains much useful information, although it may not have so many newer writers.

Last updated: 
16 Jul 2013 - 4:46pm

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  • Our comments reflect our personal view.
  • Please remember that we have no control over these sites and they might relocate or vanish.
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