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White Ladder Diaries - Ros Jay | Work

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Lightsleep Matthew S. Batham WritersPrintShop £7.99
How to Write a Dirty Story: Reading, Writing, and Publishing Erotica Susie Bright Simon and Schuster £16.99
The Crime Writer's Sourcebook (Writers' guides) Douglas Wynn Allison & Busby £8.99
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Screenwriting Skip Press Imprint Unknown £9.99
Writing Horror Fiction (Writing Handbooks) G Smith Methuen Drama £15.99
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The Delilah Complex - Erotic Psychological Thriller (The Butterfield Institute Book 2) MJ Rose Lady Chatterly's Library
Solutions for Writers: Practical Craft Techniques for Fiction and Non-fiction Sol Stein Souvenir Press Ltd £15.00
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Writing Poetry (Teach Yourself: writer's library) Matthew Sweeney, John Hartley Williams Teach Yourself Books £7.99
Lip Service M-J Rose J'ai lu £4.87
The Young Writer's Guide to Getting Published Kathy Henderson Writer's Digest Books £15.99
The Copywriter's Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Copy That Sells Robert W Bly Henry Holt & Company Inc £9.06
The White Ladder Diaries: The Pain and Pleasure of Launching a Business Ros Jay White Ladder Press Ltd £9.99
Screenwriting Lew Hunter Robert Hale Ltd £12.99
Rotten Rejections: The Letters That Publishers Wish They'd Never Sent Andre Bernard Robson Books Ltd £6.99
An Author's Guide to Publishing Michael Legat Robert Hale Ltd £9.99
The New Oxford Guide to Writing Thomas S. Kane Oxford University Press, U.S.A. £13.99
Creating Suspense in Fiction John Paxton Sheriff Robert Hale Ltd £9.99

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