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The White Ladder Diaries: The Pain and Pleasure of Launching a Business - Ros Jay | Work

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White Ladder Press Ltd


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Quotations for Our Time: Gems of Wit, Brevity and Originality from Minds Ancient and Modern Laurence J. Peter, Laurence J. Peter Souvenir Press Ltd £12.99
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Networking for Business Success: Quick tips for busy people Heather White WritersPrintShop £9.50
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Writing for Pleasure and Profit Michael Legat Robert Hale Ltd £6.99
The Copywriter's Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Copy That Sells Robert W Bly Henry Holt & Company Inc £9.06
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Design and Construction of Domestic Open Fires: Fireplaces Patrick Mitchell Brailsford £7.99
How to Write Movie in 21 Days: The Inner Movie Method Viki King William Morrow Paperbacks £9.99
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The Internet: A Writer's Guide Jane Dorner A & C Black Publishers Ltd £9.99
Trouble in the Making, Growing Up in the Creggan, Northern Ireland Kevin Doherty WritersPrintShop £11.57
Creativity Rules!: A Writer's Workbook John Vorhaus Silman-James Press,U.S. £13.50
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