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Bestsellers: Top Writers Tell How - Richard Joseph | Work

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Based on interviews with 23 top commercial authors, including Dick Francis, Jilly Cooper and Frederick Forsyth, who share the writing secrets that have helped them collectively sell over 1,000 million books.

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Browse Bestsellers: Top Writers Tell How - Richard Joseph

Summersdale Publishers

Writers Bookstall

Title Author(s) Publisher
The Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors Robert Ritter Oxford University Press £15.99
Follow The Hearts Mike Smith WritersPrintShop £7.99
The Craft of Writing Poetry (Writers' guides) Alison Chisholm Allison & Busby £9.99
The Writer's Idea Book Jack Heffron F&W £19.99
How to Plot Your Novel (Writers' guides) Jean Saunders Allison & Busby £9.99
Worlds of Wonder: How to Write Science Fiction and Fantasy David Gerrold Titan Books Ltd £12.99
Writers' Questions and Answers (Writers' Guides) Gordon Wells Allison & Busby £8.99
Trouble in the Making, Growing Up in the Creggan, Northern Ireland Kevin Doherty WritersPrintShop £11.57
The 38 Most Common Fiction Writing Mistakes J. M. Bickham F&W £9.99
Writing for New Media: The Essential Guide to Writing for Interactive Media, CD-ROMs and the Web (Wiley Books for Writers) Andrew Bonime, Ken C. Pohlmann John Wiley & Sons £9.50
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper Robert A. Day Greenwood Press £21.95
Rotten Rejections: The Letters That Publishers Wish They'd Never Sent Andre Bernard Robson Books Ltd £6.99
The Sixpenny Debt And Other Oxford Stories Mary Cavanagh, Jane Gordon-Cumming, Jane Stemp, Linora Lawrence, Sheila Costello OxPens £7.99
The Writer's Journey Christopher Vogler Pan Books £14.99
Proofreading Plain and Simple (In Plain English Series) Debra May Cengage Learning £24.99
The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism Prof Colin Campbell WritersPrintShop £14.99
Writing for the Internet (One Step Ahead) Jane Dorner, John Seely OUP Oxford £7.99
45 Master Characters Victoria Lynn Schmidt Writers Digest Books £9.99
The Crime Writer's Sourcebook (Writers' guides) Douglas Wynn Allison & Busby £8.99
Writing a Nonfiction Book: How to prepare your work for publication Norman Toulson How To Books £9.99

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