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45 Master Characters - Victoria Lynn Schmidt Ph. D. | Work

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Are you having difficulty in populating your fiction with interesting three-dimensional characters? This inspiring book will show you how to do it.

Fiction Writing

Browse 45 Master Characters - Victoria Lynn Schmidt Ph. D.

Writer's Digest Books


Writers Bookstall

Title Author(s) Publisher
The Crime Writer's Sourcebook (Writers' guides) Douglas Wynn Allison & Busby £8.99
The Dark European Honeybee: Apis Mellifera Mellifera Linnaeus 1758 Friedrich Ruttner, Eric Milner, John E. Dews WritersPrintShop £7.99
How to Write a Blockbuster (Writers' guides) Sarah Harrison Allison & Busby £8.99
Marketing Your Book: An Author's Guide (Writing Handbooks) Alison Baverstock A & C Black Publishers Ltd £9.99
Writing Romances Rita Gallagher, Rita Clay Estrada Writer's Digest Books £14.99
Lew Hunter's Screenwriting 434: The Industry's Premier Teacher Reveals the Secrets of the Successful Screenplay Lew Hunter Perigee
Editing Fact and Fiction: A Concise Guide to Book Editing Leslie Sharpe, Richard Marek, Irene Gunther Cambridge University Press £34.99
New Author's Handbook David Bolt Peter Owen £9.99
Writing Your Life Story Michael Legat Robert Hale Ltd £14.99
Writers Guide to Copyright and Law 2nd Edition: Get Your Full Financial Reward and Steer Clear of Legal Pitfalls (How to books) Helen Shay How To Books £9.99
Solutions for Novelists: Secrets of a Master Editor Sol Stein Souvenir Press Ltd £12.99
The Elements of Style William Strunk Jr., E. B. White Pearson £9.99
The Copyright Permission & Libel Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide for Writers, Editors, and Publishers (Wiley Books for Writers) Lloyd J. Jassin, Steven C. Schechter Wiley £13.99
Newsletter Sourcebook Mark Beach, Elaine Floyd, Elaine Floyd Writer's Digest Books £17.99
Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction (Writing Handbooks) Lisa Tuttle A & C Black Publishers Ltd £9.99
The Art of Punctuation Noah Lukeman OUP Oxford £10.99
So You Wanna be an Au Pair in the USA Cynthia Jele WritersPrintshop £8.99
Understanding Publishers' Contracts Michael Legat Robert Hale Ltd £8.99
Screenwriting Lew Hunter Robert Hale Ltd £12.99
The Chambers Dictionary Catherine E Schwarz, Editors of Chambers, Chambers Editors of, Editors Of Chambers Chambers £35.00

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