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Assignment and Thesis Writing - Jonathan Anderson | Work

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Browse Assignment and Thesis Writing - Jonathan Anderson

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Creative writing (Teach Yourself: writer's library) Dianne Doubtfire Teach Yourself Books £7.99
Rewriting: A Creative Approach to Writing Fiction (Books for Writers) David Michael Kaplan A & C Black Publishers Ltd £10.99
Writing Comedy (Writing Handbooks) John Byrne A & C Black Publishers Ltd £9.99
Norton AntiVirus 2003 (new version is Norton Antivirus 2004, asin: B0000B3A4U...
Writing for Magazines (Writing Handbooks) Jill Dick A & C Black Publishers Ltd £16.99
Lip Service M.J. Rose Atria £16.99
Troublesome Words Bill Bryson Viking £16.99
Increase Your Word Power: How to find the right word when you need it, structured exercises to boost your word power, clear explanations for everyday vocabulary problems Angela Burt How To Books £9.99
The Sixpenny Debt And Other Oxford Stories Mary Cavanagh, Jane Gordon-Cumming, Jane Stemp, Linora Lawrence, Sheila Costello OxPens £7.99
The Writer's Handbook 2006 (Writer's Handbook (Palgrave)) Barry Turner Macmillan £13.99
Writing Your Way: Creating a Personal Journal Ellen Jaffe Sumach Press £13.50
A Sumerian Observation of the Kofels' Impact Event Alan Bond, Mark Hempsell WritersPrintShop £7.99
Writers' Questions and Answers (Writers' Guides) Gordon Wells Allison & Busby £8.99
The Magazine Writer's Handbook (Writers' guides) Gordon Wells Allison & Busby £8.99
Freelance Writing for Magazines and Newspapers: Breaking in without Selling out (Harperresource Book) Marcia Yudkin HarperReference £10.80
The Loss Wyatt Van Wendels WritersPrintShop £8.99
Bestsellers: Top Writers Tell How Richard Joseph Summersdale Publishers £9.99
Straws in the Wind - The Betrayal of Poland And One Family's Incredible Journey Eugene Krajewski First Century £7.99
One Day David Nicholls Hodder Paperbacks £8.99
Vestiges of Freedom William Venator WritersPrintShop £9.99

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