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The H W Fisher Biography Prize 2013


Closing date: 
1 July 2013
Entries submitted by publishers only

The Biographers' Club is now calling in entries for this year's H W Fisher Best First Biography Prize, worth £5,000, thanks to the generous sponsorship of H W Fisher & Company, a leading firm of chartered accountants who specialise in consulting services to authors. This is the third year of their sponsorship.

The Prize will be awarded to the best book by a first-time biographer, as chosen by our panel of judges: D.J.Taylor, whose subjects include George Orwell and W.M.Thackeray; Robert Collins, deputy literary editor of the Sunday Times; and Sally Cline, author of Radclyffe Hall: A Woman Called John and Zelda Fitzgerald: Her Voice in Paradise.

Only entries submitted by publishers will be accepted for consideration. Literary memoirs are also eligible, but the following genres are NOT eligible: celebrity autobiographies and ghostwritten books.

To qualify, the books must have a publication date between 1st September 2012 and 1st August 2013 (proofs are acceptable). Four copies of each book should be submitted no later than 1st July (please enclose press release to confirm publication date), along with an entry fee of £20 for each title. Delivery address: The HW Fisher Best First Biography Prize, c/o David Roberts, 133 Albert Street, London NW1 7NB.

Further details



Closing date: 
1 July 2013
Entries submitted by publishers only