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Agents Specialising in Arts

11a Woodlawn Street

Whitstable, Kent CT5 1HQ
United Kingdom


  • Isabel Atherton

Fiction, women's fiction, literary fiction, non-fiction, humour, history, autobiography, memoir, Mind, Body & Spirit, health, cookery, arts and crafts, crime, children's fiction (home 15%, overseas 20%). Also represents a small number of scriptwriters.

Not currently accepting any new fiction clients but will consider well crafted non-fiction. If you’d like to send your material, write (email or via hard copy) with your publishing history and CV, together with a synopsis, 3 sample chapters and a SAE for the return of your material. Prefers email submissions

Authors include Tania Ahsan, Sharon Byrne, Melissa Garner, Peter Harrodine, Nicola Hill, Steve Hill, Ray Murray, Adele Nozedar, Feargus O'Sullivan, Mark Torrender, Dee Weaver.

Established 2008.
(01227) 770947

43 Musard Road

London, W6 8NR
United Kingdom


  • Teresa Chris

All fiction, especially crime, women's commercial, general and literary fiction; all non-fiction, especially biography, history, health, cooking, arts and crafts.

No science fiction, horror, fantasy, short stories, poetry, academic books.

No reading fee. Send introductory letter describing work, first 3 chapters and sae.

Representation in all overseas territories.

Teresa Chris Literary Agency Ltd website
020-7-386 0633