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American Mariachi: In a World of Villains Every Casino Needs a Hero - J J Dance | Work

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He encounters Russian mafia, Chinese hoods, a cocaine-snorting Senator and even the S&M inventor of a giant slot machine of unparalleled insanity.

Max takes them all on. Accompanied by a reluctant Sam and a beautiful, savvy dealer, Sandy, Chaos ensues...

Browse American Mariachi: In a World of Villains Every Casino Needs a Hero - J J Dance


After a Mexican jail break, Max Chancey, the self-styles American Mariachi is elated to discover that his uncle has left him a casino. On an adrenalin rush he drives off to claim is inheritance, only to find that it is located in the nether reaches of Downtown Las Vegas, nowhere near the glittering Strip.

His aspirations take a further dive when Sam, the manager, expects him to bail out the debt-ridden joint.

Cover - back Am Mariachi




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