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Dictionary of Printing and Publishing - P.H. Collin | Work

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Writers Bookstall

Title Author(s) Publisher
A Short Guide to Writing About History (The Short Guide Series) Richard A. Marius (late), Melvin E. Page Longman £13.99
How to Write a Dirty Story: Reading, Writing, and Publishing Erotica Susie Bright Simon and Schuster £16.99
Oxford Writers' Dictionary (Oxford Paperback Reference) R.E. Allen Oxford Paperbacks £6.99
Write from Life: Turning Your Personal Experiences into Compelling Stories Meg Flies Writer's Digest Books £12.99
Newsletter Sourcebook Mark Beach, Elaine Floyd, Elaine Floyd Writer's Digest Books £17.99
Flying The Flag John Taylor WritersPrintShop £30.00
How to Write a Novel John Braine Methuen Publishing Ltd £9.99
Ordinary Heroes: The extraordinary tale of 106 Army Troops Company Royal Engineers Charles Jones WritersPrintShop £14.99
The Poet in You Jay Ramsay O Books £11.99
Writing for Magazines (Writing Handbooks) Jill Dick A & C Black Publishers Ltd £16.99
Write to Die Kat Harwood Red Roar Publishing £9.99
Collins Word Power - Punctuation Graham King Collins £5.99
New Author's Handbook David Bolt Peter Owen £9.99
A Sikh Diplomat Gunwant Malik WritersPrintShop £30.00
A Dwelling Place For God: A handbook for the study of the tabernacle Dr Meyer J van Rensburg WritersPrintShop £7.99
Collins English Dictionary : Complete and Unabridged Collins Collins £30.00
Copyediting: A Practical Guide Karen Judd Robert Hale Ltd £17.99
Rotten Rejections: The Letters That Publishers Wish They'd Never Sent Andre Bernard Robson Books Ltd £6.99
Writing for Self Discovery: A Personal Approach to Creative Writing Myra Schneider, John Killick Vega Books £8.99
A Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms (Oxford Paperback Reference) Chris Baldick Oxford Paperbacks £8.99