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Online Markets for Writers - Anthony Tedesco, Paul Tedesco | Work

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Browse Online Markets for Writers - Anthony Tedesco, Paul Tedesco

Henry Holt & Company Inc

Writers Bookstall

Title Author(s) Publisher
Solutions for Writers: Practical Craft Techniques for Fiction and Non-fiction Sol Stein Souvenir Press Ltd £15.00
Chambers English Thesaurus Unnamed Chambers £20.00
The Writer's Journey Christopher Vogler Pan Books £14.99
Screenwriting Lew Hunter Robert Hale Ltd £12.99
Be a Successful Writer: 99 Surefire Checklists (Writers' guides) Gordon Wells Allison & Busby £8.99
The Student's Guide to Preparing Dissertations and Theses Allison Brian, Race Phil (Higher Education Consultant University of Leeds) Routledge £20.99
Teach Yourself Screenwriting New Edition (TY Creative Writing) Ray Frensham Teach Yourself £9.99
The Oxford Guide to Style (Language Reference) Robert Ritter Oxford University Press £17.99
Marketing Your Book: An Author's Guide (Writing Handbooks) Alison Baverstock A & C Black Publishers Ltd £9.99
The Cambridge Association for the Care of Girls Christina Paulson-Ellis WritersPrintShop £14.95
Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting Syd Field Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group £11.00
Lightsleep Matthew S. Batham WritersPrintShop £7.99
The Poet in You Jay Ramsay O Books £11.99
A Sikh Diplomat Gunwant Malik WritersPrintShop £30.00
Encyclopaedia Britannica Ultimate 2013 Britannica Focus £40.84
Writing Fantasy and Science Fiction (Writing Handbooks) Lisa Tuttle A & C Black Publishers Ltd £9.99
Writing Horror Fiction (Writing Handbooks) G Smith Methuen Drama £15.99
Bestseller: Secrets of Successful Writing Celia Brayfield SAGE Publications Ltd £11.99
The White Ladder Diaries: The Pain and Pleasure of Launching a Business Ros Jay, Richard Craze White Ladder Press Ltd £9.99
The Loss Wyatt Van Wendels WritersPrintShop £8.99

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